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Trainings Are Completely Free!

If you are interested in any of the following workshops or trainings for your community,  Western CT Coalition can coordinate or facilitate the event.

Interested in a training?

Available Trainings

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)
A skill-building workshop for the general population with the mission to increase understanding of suicidal behaviors and save lives.

Signs of Suicide
Provides middle and high school students with skills to identify signs of suicide, connects them with a trusted adult, and a self-screener for risks.

What is Postvention?
Postvention refers to activities that reduce risk and promote healing after a suicide death. This training is for People who have an interest in learning about suicide postvention and building local response efforts.

AFSP: Talk Saves Lives
An intro to suicide prevention that covers the general scope and research of suicide, provides an understanding of this leading cause of death and what participants can do to save lives.

Search Institute Everyone's an Asset Builder
An interactive workshop for parents, educators, youth workers, and other community leaders to understand the strengths and supports essential to young people’s success and build public engagement endeavors. 


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
A skills-based training course that teaches adults about mental health and substance use issues, including skills to interact with a person in crisis and connecting the person with help. 


Teen Mental Health First Aid (TMHFA)
Teens learn the skills to have supportive conversations with their friends and how to get help from a responsible and trusted adult.


Screening, Brief intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
A public health approach to early intervention and treatment services for those with and at risk of substance use disorders,  where  participants learn about screening to assess severity, brief intervention that focuses on motivation, and referral to appropriate treatment.


Adolescent Screening, Brief intervention, and Referral to Treatment (ASBIRT)
Brings together tools to: screen adolescents for alcohol and other drug use,  deliver effective brief interventions using motivational interviewing skills, link adolescents to treatment services as needed and more. 

Community Conversation
A training designed to teach you how to define gambling and the types of gambling, the impact of problem gambling, while providing information about statewide programs and resources available to those affected by gambling harms.

Powered up Player
Helps youth develop healthy gaming habits, create a stronger balance with gaming and other responsibilities and maintain healthy relationships with peers and parents/caregivers.suicide postvention basics and building local response efforts.

Gizmo's Pawesome Guide to Mental Health
Gizmo is more than just a fun book - it can be a fun way to engage youth and their trusted adults in conversations and activities that promote their mental health and wellbeing, including increasing protective factors.


Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE)
HOPE, grounded in science that demonstrates the formative role of positive experiences in human development, seeks to inspire a HOPE-informed movement that fundamentally transforms how we advance health and well-being for our children, families, and communities.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

Western CT Coalition





27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 304W,  Watertown 06795

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